Van der Filk

The UK Filk Awards presented at Van der Filk 2010

Administrator: Melusine

The SAMs were dressed in Dutch costume, holding tulips.

Best Serious

Burn It DownVixy and Tony
DesolationMike Whitaker
14:00 HoursTalis Kimberley
Jonathan's SongZander
Kitten on a trainSoir
Letter from his sisterZander and Valerie
PrideMike Richards
Winner: 14:00 HoursTalis Kimberley

Best Silly

Afraid of the SharkPhil Allcock
I Don't Get YouBill Sutton
Logical ProgressionSteve Mac
Rich Footballer's WivesZander
The Filk Singing SongPiers
The Tribble SongNat
Toast is on FireAzakir (Chris Smith)
Winner: Afraid of the Shark
(by one point)
Phil Allcock

At con

A Change of HeartTalis Kimberley
Morgoth and SullivannMC
PerfectAzakir (Chris Smith)
Where's Your School Bag!The Crooklets
Whistle/Recorder DuelChristo and Tim Walker
Zonky PonkyChristo
Winner: Where's Your School Bag!The Crooklets

Filk Gold

Blood and RosesVanessa Chan
Lord of HalflightFanTom
Mobile PhobiaLawrence Dean
Winner: RobintonValerie